Additional indicators for the finance sector


Since June 2010, the business tendency has included additional questions for the finance sector every six months. Most of these questions cover the future, with the exception of the parent company perspective question, which covers the previous three months.

The following indicators are produced using weighted net balances (WNBs) defined as the difference between the proportion of businesses reporting an increase in a particular measure compared with the proportion of businesses reporting a decrease:

  • Parent company perspective: previous three months
  • Expected short-term employment: next three months
  • Expected long-term employment: next financial year. For December rounds, the next 12 months. For June rounds, the next 6 months.
  • Expected short-term profits: next three months
  • Expected long-term profits: next financial year. For December rounds, the next 12 months. For June rounds, the next 6 months.

For the following questions, the weighted percentage for each answer option is given. That is, the weighted proportion of finance companies that selected each answer.

  • Expected developing regions: next financial year. For December rounds, the next 12 months. For June rounds, the next 6 months.
  • Expected declining regions: next financial year. For December rounds, the next 12 months. For June rounds, the next 6 months.
  • Key issues for Jersey's business environment: next 6 months. Respondents are asked to select the top three key issues. In December 2010, internal and external financial regulations were added as options. In June 2020 four additional key issues were added in response to COVID-19. In June 2023, two of the COVID-19 specific questions were removed (relating to lockdowns and travel restrictions) as they were no longer relevant.

Data is not available for June 2016, as the survey was not run in this quarter.

In the first round with these additional questions, the key issues question did not have separate options for internal and external financial regulations, only a combined option for financial regulations.

The latest business tendency reports are available here.


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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 17, 2024
Metadata last updated January 31, 2020
Created January 31, 2020
Format text/csv
License Open Government Licence – Jersey v1.0
createdover 4 years ago
has viewsTrue
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