Income Support Annual Expenditure - Accommodation


Breakdown of annual Income Support weekly expenditure attributed to accommodation, split by tenure and household type, for each year since 2012.

The value of Income Support paid to a particular household depends not only on the mix of components that it is entitled to, but also on the other income received by the household. it is therefore not straightforward to report on the value of each component in the total expenditure for Income Support. However, to enable an analysis of the estimated total costs by component, a method of allocating costs within the various components has been developed. This method divides the actual Income Support benefit received by a household in proportion to the gross value of each of the components that the household is eligible for, to allocate a specific net value to each of the components. The mix of Income Support claims changes over time and the values of some components can change during the year. This analysis includes data taken from each month of the year to ensure that trends in the take-up of Income Support and rate changes during the year are represented, and provides approximate net values for the cost of each component group.


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Year_Ending timestamp
Benefit_Description text
Household_Type text
Tenure_Type text
Estimated_Annual_Expenditure_£000 numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated October 16, 2024
Metadata last updated August 30, 2019
Created August 30, 2019
Format text/csv
License Open Government Licence – Jersey v1.0
createdover 5 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified3 months ago
on same domainTrue
package id7eb1bdf4-a2e9-4b6b-9b47-e61aba43bf1a
revision id562ef149-a235-4537-849a-277b5ec51b1a
size15.5 KiB
url typeupload