5 datasets found

Organizations: Statistics Jersey Formats: CSV Tags: Economic Indicators

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  • House Price Statistics

    Data tables from the Jersey House Price Index. Includes quarterly, and annual index numbers together with mean average prices for different types of dwellings. The latest House...
  • Transport Statistics

    Data tables in relation to transport statistics. This includes monthly departure figures (air and sea), bus and road usage. These figures are reported on in the economic...
  • Unemployment - Registered Actively Seeking Work

    Data on numbers of people registered as actively seeking work (ASW) in Jersey. It is important to note that unemployed Jersey residents are not required to register as ASW....
  • Covid Support Scheme Statistics

    Data in respect of Covid related Government support schemes. This includes: Coronavirus Government Co-Funded Payroll Scheme Visitor Accommodation Support Scheme (VASS) Fixed...
  • Benefit Statistics

    Weekly figures on the number of people supported by the CRESS and Income Support Schemes. These figures are reported on in the economic indicator reports. The economic indicator...