House Price Statistics
Data tables from the Jersey House Price Index. Includes quarterly, and annual index numbers together with mean average prices for different types of dwellings. The latest House... -
Housing Affordability
Data tables from the Housing Affordability in Jersey report. The latest report on housing affordability is available here on gov.je. -
Household income distribution survey
Statistics on household income. These statistics were produced from the results of Living Costs and Household Income Surveys. Reports on household income are available on gov.je... -
Inflation (RPI, RPIX, RPI pensioners, RPI low income)
RPI, RPI(X), RPI(Y), RPI (pensioners) and RPI (low income) percentage changes and index numbers. The latest report on the Retail Prices index is published here on gov.je. -
Back to Work Statistics
Data tables relating to the Back to Work activity. https://www.gov.je/working/jobcareeradvice/aboutbacktowork/Pages/index.aspx -
Social Security Benefit Rates
Standard rates for benefits administered by Employment, Social Security and Housing. -
All Vehicles Registered in Jersey
Details of registered vehicles in Jersey including the year of registration, vehicle make, model, colour and fuel type. This data is published quarterly. -
High Value Residency
Jersey's Chief Minister can grant entitled residential status to a high value resident if they're satisfied that doing so will have a social or economic benefit, and is in the... -
Cost of travel over £500
When the Chief Minister’s Department conducted a review of the States of Jersey’s policies and processes for claiming expenses, the Chief Minister announced that spending on... -
Unemployment - Registered Actively Seeking Work
IMPORTANT: This dataset is an historic series that will no longer be updated. This series is now maintained by Employment, Social Security and Housing, from quarter 4 2024... -
Gov.je Forms Platform
The Forms Platform provides web pages that collect information from customers via https://one.gov.je. The 'pipeline' data resources are updated on a monthly basis and are a... -
Yoti - Digital ID
Unique share counts for the Yoti application used by the Government of Jersey. Yoti is the selected digital identity provider for the Government of Jersey. Read more at... -
Long-Term Care Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Long-Term Care claims at the end of each year. https://www.gov.je/benefits/longtermcare/Pages/index.aspx -
Survivor's Benefit Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Survivor's Pension and Survivor's Allowance claims in the year.... -
Short Term Incapacity Allowance Statistics
Data tables relating to the number and length of Short Term Incapacity Allowance claims in each year. https://www.gov.je/benefits/sicknessinjury/pages/offworksick.aspx -
Health Insurance Fund Statistics
Data tables relating to benefits and services offered under the Health insurance (Jersey) Law 1967. https://www.gov.je/health/doctordentist/doctors/pages/healthcard.aspx... -
Old Age Pension Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Old Age Pension claims at the end of each year. https://www.gov.je/benefits/pensionsretirement/pages/howpensionworks.aspx -
Home Carer's Allowance Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Home Carer's Allowance claims at the end of each year. https://www.gov.je/benefits/allowances/pages/homecarersallowance.aspx -
Long Term Incapacity Allowance Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Long Term Incapacity Allowance claims at the end of each year.... -
Parental Allowance, Maternity and Adoption Benefit Statistics
Data tables relating to the number of open Parental Allowance, Maternity Allowance claims and Maternity Grants claimed in the year....