2021 Census
Data and Resources
Long run census data 1821 to 2021CSV
Total population and numbers of males and females from the Jersey census...
Population by working age 1971 to 2021CSV
This table has the breakdown of the total population by whether they are...
Population by age and genderCSV
Population broken down by age and gender. Reported on in chapter 2 of the...
Population and population density by ParishCSV
Population of each of the parishes and their population densities (expressed...
Population by Parish, Age and SexCSV
Parish populations broken down by age and sex. Reported on in chapters 2, 5...
Population by VingtainesCSV
Population at the time of the 2021 Census broken down by Vingtaine....
Electoral District populationsCSV
Total population and population over those aged 16 and over broken down by...
Population by age (years) and year when ...CSV
Population by age (years) and year when present period of residence began....
Population by place of birth and year when ...CSV
Population by place of birth and year when present period of residence began...
Detailed counts of respondents who answered ...CSV
Data table detailing place of birth in "other European country" or "elsewhere...
Recent arrivals by age and sexCSV
Breakdown of recent arrivals (defined as those people whose most recent...
Households by Property Type and TenureCSV
Data Table of households broken down by property type and tenure, excluding...
Households by Household Type and TenureCSV
Households broken down by type (occupants) and tenure. Note: Blank entries...
Vacant dwellings reasonsCSV
Number of vacant properties identified at the time of the census broken down...
Usual mode of travel to work by parishCSV
Data table of the usual mode of travel taken to work broken down by parish....
Economic Status by AgeCSV
Data table of economic status broken down by age. The following are...
Economic Status by Place of BirthCSV
Data table of economic status broken down by place of birth. The following...
Employment by industry and sexCSV
Breakdown of employment by industrial sector (2007 SIC codes) and sex for...
Occupations by sexCSV
Data table of all occupations broken down by sex. Reported on and represented...
Accommodation Type by ParishCSV
Numbers rounded to the nearest 10. Blanks indicate a positive number less...
Marital Status by ageCSV
Breakdown of age by marital status. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest...
Cars / Vans by ParishCSV
Breakdown of the cars or vans owned or available to private households by...
Day-to-day activities limited by health ...CSV
Data table of the extent to which day-to-day activities are limited by health...
Day-to-day activities limited by health ...CSV
Data table of the extent to which day-to-day activities are limited by health...
Day-to-day activities limited by health ...CSV
Data table of the extent to which day-to-day activities are limited by health...
Gender identity is the same as birth, by ageCSV
Data table on whether respondents' gender identity is the same as the sex...
Self-assessed general health by place of birthCSV
Breakdown of self-assessed general health by place of birth. The 2021 Census...
Self-assessed general health by sexCSV
Breakdown of self-assessed general health by sex. The 2021 Census Report can...
Self-assessed general health by tenureCSV
Breakdown of self-assessed general health by tenure. The 2021 Census Report...
Longstanding physical or mental health ...CSV
Breakdown on whether respondents have longstanding (lasting or expecting to...
Longstanding physical or mental health ...CSV
Breakdown on whether respondents have longstanding (lasting or expecting to...
Longstanding physical or mental health ...CSV
Breakdown on whether respondents have longstanding (lasting or expecting to...
Highest level of educational qualification by ...CSV
Data table of the highest level of educational qualification broken down by...
Highest level of educational qualification by ...CSV
Data table of the highest level of educational qualification broken down by...
Highest level of educational qualification by ...CSV
Data table of the highest level of educational qualification broken down by...
Household type by property typeCSV
Households broken down by household type (occupants) and property type,...
Industry by AgeCSV
Data table of industry sector (2007 SIC codes) broken down by age. This table...
Occupation by IndustryCSV
Breakdown of occupation by industry sector (2007 SIC codes). This table only...
Motorcycles by parishCSV
Breakdown of the number of motorcycles owned or available to private...
Occupation by ageCSV
Data table of occupations (SOC system) broken down by age. This table only...
Tenure by parishCSV
Data table of tenure broken down by parish. Counts indicate number of...
Persons, bedrooms and households by tenureCSV
Data table comparing the number of persons, bedrooms and households to...
Place of birth by ageCSV
Breakdown of place of birth by age. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest...
Industry and Place of Birth of Recent ArrivalsCSV
Data table of industry sector (2007 SIC codes) by place of birth for recent...
Responses to 'another sexual orientation'CSV
Breakdown of write-in responses for adults reporting 'another sexual...
Responses for adults whose gender was ...CSV
Breakdown of write-in responses for adults (aged 16 and above) whose gender...
Sexual Orientation by AgeCSV
Breakdown of sexual orientation by age. This table only includes responses by...
Sexual Orientation by SexCSV
Breakdown of sexual orientation by sex. This table only includes persons aged...
Unemployment by year residence beganCSV
Breakdown of unemployed by year that current residence in Jersey began, for...
Self-assessed general health by ageCSV
Data table of self-assessed general health broken down by age. The 2021...
Place of birth of workers in the private and ...CSV
Data table of the place of birth of workers in the private and public...
Mean hours worked by industryCSV
Breakdown of the mean hours worked each week by industry sector (2007 SIC...
Mean hours worked by occupationCSV
Breakdown of the mean hours worked per week by occupation (SOC system). The...
Occupation by place of birth of recent arrivalsCSV
Breakdown of occupation (SOC system) by place of birth for recent arrivals....
Highest level of educational qualification by ageCSV
Breakdown of the highest level of educational qualification by age. This...
Population by ethnicityCSV
Population broken down by ethnicity. Reported on in chapter 3 of the 2021...
Population by place of birthCSV
Population broken down by place of birth. Reported on in chapter 3 of the...
Population by place of birth, 1981 - 2021CSV
Population broken down by place of birth, 1981 to 2021. Reported on in...
Number of persons per private dwelling 1971 - ...CSV
Proportion of overcrowded households by tenureCSV
Proportion of households considered to be ‘overcrowded’ by the Bedroom...
Proportion of under-occupied households by tenureCSV
Proportion of households considered to be ‘under-occupied’ by the Bedroom...
(Grouped) Highest level of educational ...CSV
Breakdown of the highest level of educational qualification by age. This...
Highest level of educational qualification by ...CSV
(Grouped) Highest level of educational ...CSV
Data table of the highest level of educational qualification broken down by...
(grouped) Highest level of educational ...CSV
Data table of the highest level of educational qualification broken down by...
Unemployment rate for selected OECD countries ...CSV
Unemployment rate for selected OECD countries 2021 (percent)
Self-assessed general health overallCSV
Breakdown of self-assessed general health overall with percentages
(Transposed) Self-assessed general health by age CSV
Longstanding physical or mental health ...CSV
Breakdown on whether respondents have longstanding (lasting or expecting to...
Data table of the extent to which day-to-day ...CSV
This table includes responses only for those residents who had stated that...
Activity limiting health condition or illness, ...CSV
Major occupation group of working adultsCSV
Major occupation group of working adults (aged 16 and over)
Residental / Employment status of residents 2021CSV
Median age from 1931 to 2021 censusCSV
10-year change in parish populations between ...CSV
Total cars and private households 1971 to 2021CSV
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Author | Statistics Jersey |
Maintainer | Statistics Jersey |
Last Updated | March 20, 2025, 13:35 (UTC) |
Created | April 13, 2022, 14:31 (UTC) |