2021 Census
Data tables from the 2021 Jersey Census. These are reported on in the 2021 Jersey Census Report, covering population; housing; health; employment; education and transport. The... -
Total population and migration estimates by sex, age, nationality group, and ...
Total population and migration estimates for the period 2017 to 2023 by sex, 5-year age group, nationality and CHWL status (Entitled / Entitled for Work / Licensed / Registered). -
Total population, annual change, natural growth, net migration per year
Total population, annual change, natural growth, net migration per year -
Population over time 1821 - 2021 (source - census data)
Population over time 1821 - 2021 Census and population reports are available on gov.je. -
Population by age and gender (source - 2011 Census)
Population by age and gender -
Population by age, gender and place of birth (source - 2011 Census)
Population by age and gender and place of birth -
Adult population by residential qualifications (source - 2011 Census)
Adult population by residential qualifications -
Household type by tenure (source - 2011 Census)
Household type by tenure -
Parish populations by age and gender
Parish populations by age and gender